Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A day in the mountains.

You wake up at 8:30, caught breakfast (which consisted of greasy, yet hard, bacon and okayish strawberry pancakes) and then put on your hiking boots and sling on your bag full of camera equipment. You then grab a long black thing that you use for a walking stick. As you walk down the trail the mornings fresh air fills your nostrils and you no longer feel tired. Rejuvenated is how you describe this feeling to yourself.

Large rocks that only seem to get larger as you get further into the wilderness.
The sun slowly warming your skin.

You decide to take a detour off the worn trail and walk directly towards what seem to be large caves. They are very high up in the mountains so you must bush whack through trees and bushes alike.

The scent of the breaking twigs and the squish of soft moss.
The most prominent sounds being your breaths and occational passing of a brook or call of an animal.

The trees thin as you pass into the next part of the wilderness. When there are no trees at all you must look down the insure a safe foothold on the loose stone because of the long drop that awaits your fall behind you. Search the stones and the caves around the area that you have arrived in. You spot a tree that would provide a great sitting spot and stop for a rest. The sky is clear blue and the view of the valley from under the tree is amazing.

You return home.

This was your trip today before work.
The long black thing you took on your hiking trip was a pvc didgeridoo with three red stripes at the top.

A day in the mountains.


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