Tuesday, September 06, 2005

MDS #1

MDS stands for Matt's DreamScape a.k.a. my dreams written down on this site. When I get up every morning, if I remember my dream, I write them down on a piece of paper, this is the first step in achieving lucidity. Lucid dreaming is, as I said before, knowing you're dreaming while you're dream. Once you become lucid in your dreams, they become extremely vivid, imagine a dream as vivid as what is happening to you right now. Now, try to make you're room or basement of wherever you are, try to make it all blue and then try to fly out you're window...any success, didn't think so, and if you did have success then you're most likely lucid dreaming this right now... or you have superpowers. The point of this is just to have fun while you're dreaming, do anything you want, meet someone famous, fly around outside, punch president Bush in the face, you know, all the usual fantasies. Until I reach this point in my dreams, they could be boring, fun, weird, nonsensical or even completely pointless. This is the first of the MDS series even though I've been recording my dreams since the beginning of summer, think what yah want.

Dream Type: non-lucid
Complexity: low
More than one dream?: yes, 3
Dreamscape: 1)A fat lady's house 2)Infront of popcorn video 3)Osborn St.
Characters: 1)Jen(my sister), a fat lady 2)Dave Guenther 3)unknowns

1) I am sitting with Jen and she has to give her book, Life of Pi, to some fat lady, as we enter her apartment I go underneath the table that they are talking at. I can only see the fat lady's legs, she is wearing a purple dress, her legs are really fat.

2) Me and Dave are in front of popcorn video and an aboriginal man tries to sell me his car. The car is in very good working condition and it also has very nice teeth. I turn the man down.

3) A friend of someone I know invites me over. "I have dial-up and email" she says. We are in her massive house on Orborn St. Her lesbian friend is there.

That was all from last night, not to sure what they mean, or why that car had teeth. Ha, well, stay tuned, there's more to come.


At 5:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg matt. your sight is amazing lol. your dreams are preeeety interesting

At 6:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love having lucid dreams....i always dream that i'm flying!

i have been dreaming a lot of mexico lately....

this morning i woke up with 3 red fingerprints on my shoulders...and i matched them up with mine and there is no way they are mine because that would mean that my arm was pretty twisted...

plus these marks burned/itched when my mom touched them... and beneath them there were 2 red circles....my chest was also slotchy with irritation...maybe i have allergies..but the fingerprints are beyond me...


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