Thursday, September 08, 2005

MDS #2

Dream Type: non-lucid
More than one dream?: yes, two
Complexity: 1) medium-high, 2) low
Dreamscape: 1) OBC (Oakbank Baptist Church), 2) Dave N.'s apartment (he doesn't own one)
Characters: 1) Me, 2) Dave N.(nuefeld)

Dream 1
I am sitting at OBC at a murder meeting for a mans wife, she died. I brought a stack of cd'd there and the man speaker uses one of them to help himself explain about the murder.
I am in a older mans apartment and he has bells above his bed, they are like fire bells, but made of brass. The man from the meeting starts to move things with his mind. He moves something really close to the man in the beds face and then hits him hard with it. The closer you can get the object to the persons face the more force it builds up when you release it. A bunch of us in the room huddle around the hurt man and someone starts to randomly hit the bells on the wall. I guess he hit them in the correct order because a will right behind me opened up and there was lots of blue metal cabinets. The hurt man feels ashamed because they have bones of his dead wife in them, he is still trying to solve the murder.

Dream 2
I am in Dave N.'s apartment and there is a bright light on the ceiling. The cord going to the light is sagging down so a girl in the room gets a staple gun and staples the cord to the roof. A guy grabs the gun and staples way to much staples on the cord. Dave then removes the staples.


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