Friday, September 16, 2005

the 4/4 effect

People are much like music, have you ever thought about this? I discover a new band, lets say Moses Mayes, and get super acquainted with them and then I discover a new band through that band, such as Broken Social Scene. It's like a huge chain that I am tethered to, I cannot help but follow it, it leads me to new people and groups and subliminally effects my mood. When I meet a new person, they lead me to new people and eventual friends. There are a plethora of amazing people, music and bands out there to be discovered and the possibilities of them leading you somewhere completely off the beaten track is infinite.
With this, making music is just as amazing as discovering it, and it is also very similar. When I create music it fills me with something so different from any experience, so unique it feels to me that I long for it. When I'm sick, really sick, I go play music and it actually makes me feel better, like I was never sick, and as if I do not have a care in the world. My emotions flow smoothly out from my fingers to the strings of my bass, guitar, or piano and are expressed in frequencies and melodic lines, sometimes there not melodic, but that is a representation of my mood at the moment. Whenever I play it's a representation of my emotions, I'm putting it all out there for everyone to judge. I'm unloading my pack for all to see and whatever people think of what I'm doing is okay with me, because I am my music and my music is me. When I learn more about myself my musical skills in turn get better. My lines become more creative and less repetitive.
When I meet a new person or discover a new band they change my personality subtly which then changes my music and the way that I play. Therefore, every single being I meet effects my music and has a part to play in it, you are my music and my music is yours.


At 10:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 10:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey...whenever i am feeling sad, or sick, or angry, or stressed out, i use it as an opportunity to make fine music.

once again, matt, you continue to wow me with your creative/busy mind.

--love, daph

At 4:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so in my dream last night. me and matt made babies:|. not the normal kid of babie making tho. matt popped the babies out. but for some reason they wernt actually babies. they were muskrats. or w.e you wanna call them. and yea it was effing weird. but then two beavers popped out and i was like wowah matt you cheated on me. i got really mad. and then i woke up and thought it was effing wacked .


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