Tuesday, September 13, 2005

MDS #5

Dream Type: non-lucid
More than one dream?: nope
Complexity: high
Dreamscape: A small town on the coast
Characters: Random people

I am in a small town in a cold climate, it is on top of a huge cliff that has a view of the entire ocean, the cliff is made of ice and every once and a while a wave will come and make the ice cliff bigger and closer to the town. A man says to the us that once the ice reaches the town a deadly massive storm will hit. No one believes this man, they believe that he is crazy. His daughter is committed of a crime that she did not commit after her father dies, now the whole town hates her. The priest of the town discovers that she is innocent and tries to tell the church. They aren't listening to him and then he yells " She is my ho and I am her pimp!!" and then runs though the door and deeper into the church. Every singe person is outraged by this comment and runs after the priest. When they catch up he explains that he was just getting our attention to tell us the truth. The next day in church a young girl sits and waits to confess, she somehow convinces the priest that the storm is upon us. The water and clouds are rising up and up and everyone is in panic. Everyone goes into their houses. Me and the mans daughters go into our house and close all of the windows up, I just get the last one closed as the storms cold blast reaches our little town, the frost gets all over the window but we are safe inside. I can see the storm from where our house is positioned and it is the most beautiful spectacle, the clouds are billowing upwards and the icy water is spraying up on the rocks of our town. They spray upwards of 1000 Ft. the water rose, the clouds look as solid as stone but they flow like water. The water and clouds burst over the ice wall and upon the town...


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