Saturday, September 24, 2005

MDS #9

Dream Type: Lucid!
More than one dream?: nope
Complexity: high, including emotions and insight
Dreamscape: Desert
Characters: none

This is the first dream that I have ever felt an emotion in that wasn't fear. The emotions were extremely intense and strong.

Seeds sitting on the ground, the cracked dry desert ground. All but one of the seeds shrivel up and die, giving their nutrients to the single remaining seed. It begins to sprout and grow, I feel happy and content and decide to wake up.

There were no characters in this dream, besides the seeds. It was as if I saw this dream from God's perspective, an ever watching eye, silent and patient.

Friday, September 23, 2005

MDS #8

Dream Type: LUCID!!!!!!!!!!!
More than one dream?: nope
Complexity: low, but lucid!
Dreamscape: nowhere
Characters: My hands

This is my first lucid dream!, its uninteresting for you, but not for me. The whole day I recited my dream mission of looking at my hands in my dream, while knowing I was dreaming. I accomplished this in a nap after school, I was super tired and needed the sleep. As I went to bed I lay perfectly still while thinking of my mission. Until I accomplished this goal I had a series of flash-dreams which are about 4 or 5 quick vivid dreams in a row. The next was the lucid dream.

I am writing, but cannot see my hands, almost as if I were looking up and away from them. The whole room was completely pitch black, so I could see nothing, yet. I thought to myself, I'm dreaming right now! I recited my dream mission to myself and slowly raised my hands until I could see them. They are very hard to raise up, as if a huge burden was placed upon them. When I saw them come into view it was like I had never dreamed before, like I was actually seeing things not just imagining them. My hands were bright and very detailed, I could see all the curvs and lines, all the nails and vains. I feel happy and since my mission is complete I wake up.

That was my lucid dream. Imagine you had gone through your entire life without opening your eyes, simply imagining things as you touch and hear them as. Now imagine if one day you just open your eyes and see everything for the first time. Or if a blind man just was able to open his eyes and see for the first time. That is what it was like to lucid dream for the first time. Amazing.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

MDS #7

Dream Type: non-lucid
More than one dream?: nope
Complexity: low-medium
Dreamscape: pro-hardware
Characters: Me, Eku, My grandparents

I'm at pro and there are two new gas pumps, my grandparents come to use them with their truck. Grandma tries to fill it herself but spills diesel all over the car and herself. Me and Eku go to get gas for a truck with 2 guys in it, they offer Eku weed but he has a gram already. We get into the cab of his truck and drive around in mud.

Friday, September 16, 2005

the 4/4 effect

People are much like music, have you ever thought about this? I discover a new band, lets say Moses Mayes, and get super acquainted with them and then I discover a new band through that band, such as Broken Social Scene. It's like a huge chain that I am tethered to, I cannot help but follow it, it leads me to new people and groups and subliminally effects my mood. When I meet a new person, they lead me to new people and eventual friends. There are a plethora of amazing people, music and bands out there to be discovered and the possibilities of them leading you somewhere completely off the beaten track is infinite.
With this, making music is just as amazing as discovering it, and it is also very similar. When I create music it fills me with something so different from any experience, so unique it feels to me that I long for it. When I'm sick, really sick, I go play music and it actually makes me feel better, like I was never sick, and as if I do not have a care in the world. My emotions flow smoothly out from my fingers to the strings of my bass, guitar, or piano and are expressed in frequencies and melodic lines, sometimes there not melodic, but that is a representation of my mood at the moment. Whenever I play it's a representation of my emotions, I'm putting it all out there for everyone to judge. I'm unloading my pack for all to see and whatever people think of what I'm doing is okay with me, because I am my music and my music is me. When I learn more about myself my musical skills in turn get better. My lines become more creative and less repetitive.
When I meet a new person or discover a new band they change my personality subtly which then changes my music and the way that I play. Therefore, every single being I meet effects my music and has a part to play in it, you are my music and my music is yours.

MDS #6

Dream Type: non-lucid
More than one dream?: nope
Complexity: low
Dreamscape: random places
Characters: only me

I am on some raft and have the decision to go to the desert, a tropical country, a little sandy island, and almost every other type of place imaginable. I choose to go to a tropical island, I have the ability to make things into rocks and throw them really far.

That's all I remember from last night.

I wish I was able to invite people to my dreams, or to visit others dreams. I would always dream with other people, imagine dreaming with your best friends and experiencing all the things when dreaming with another person.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Years and years of manual labor, creative thought process, love and architectural planning result in a beautiful building, this was the old way. Weeks of machine based labor, "get it done quick" attitude and architectural planning results in a ugly building, this is the new way. Look at the older societies in Europe, there are breathtaking castles, churches, bridges, and even streets, all cities are unique in one way or another.

Venice has waterways to serve as access to the dwellings of its inhabitants.(top)

Spectacularly simple masonry work blesses the eye when in Greece.(left)

The monks in Catalonia squeezed there monastery in between two mountains, they named the site Montserrat. Civilized culture dates back to the first hermit monks who built huts at Montserrat around A.D. 900. By 1025 a
monastery was founded.(right)

These are just a few examples of the timeless beauty that the world holds, why don't we take the time to create this kind of art now? It's because of our need to rush, to finish things as fast a possible, and because of this I don't believe the same quality goes into our structures. They are bland, boring, and utilitarian. Most of them don't serve as any type of creative expression or visual beauty. These structures are the product of our new aged society. Sure some of our buildings are interesting and "artsy" but not in the same way as before. We are thinking of here and now, we have no respect for the future beauty of our country. This way of thinking is slowly coming to a halt, but it has taken us about half a century to figure it out.
Churches from the past are a thing of beauty, it would take hundreds of people hundreds of years to see the result of their work, some of them would put their heart and soul into it only to die before seeing the finished product. All of this for a place to worship God. Such devotion, love and respect for a worship place is simply not seen in today's world. Compare these two pictures from right here in the Peg.


Knox United Church

The one on the bottom is much more esthetically pleasing and will be around for many more years to come while the one of the top will probably be torn down in a decade or two.

Being in these places of old is like being in a piece of art, you get a feeling of devotion that fills your entire body, you can feel the labor and time that went into it, if you have not experienced this, you have not yet lived.

MDS #5

Dream Type: non-lucid
More than one dream?: nope
Complexity: high
Dreamscape: A small town on the coast
Characters: Random people

I am in a small town in a cold climate, it is on top of a huge cliff that has a view of the entire ocean, the cliff is made of ice and every once and a while a wave will come and make the ice cliff bigger and closer to the town. A man says to the us that once the ice reaches the town a deadly massive storm will hit. No one believes this man, they believe that he is crazy. His daughter is committed of a crime that she did not commit after her father dies, now the whole town hates her. The priest of the town discovers that she is innocent and tries to tell the church. They aren't listening to him and then he yells " She is my ho and I am her pimp!!" and then runs though the door and deeper into the church. Every singe person is outraged by this comment and runs after the priest. When they catch up he explains that he was just getting our attention to tell us the truth. The next day in church a young girl sits and waits to confess, she somehow convinces the priest that the storm is upon us. The water and clouds are rising up and up and everyone is in panic. Everyone goes into their houses. Me and the mans daughters go into our house and close all of the windows up, I just get the last one closed as the storms cold blast reaches our little town, the frost gets all over the window but we are safe inside. I can see the storm from where our house is positioned and it is the most beautiful spectacle, the clouds are billowing upwards and the icy water is spraying up on the rocks of our town. They spray upwards of 1000 Ft. the water rose, the clouds look as solid as stone but they flow like water. The water and clouds burst over the ice wall and upon the town...

Monday, September 12, 2005

MDS #4

Dream Type: non-lucid
More than one dream?: nope
Complexity: medium
Dreamscape: Value Village
Characters: Dave N., Jake, Myself

I am at value village with Dave and Jake, we are looking at jeans when Jake spots some sweet short ripped jean shorts. I run over to check them out with Jake, on the way over we see a bunch of lighters, some are like BBQ lighters but zippo's in one. As we check them out a V.V. employee asks us we need some help. "No", I say. There are also some brand new lighters on a carousel next to me, they say things like; Musician, Engineer, ect. Stuff like job titles and occupations.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

MDS #3

Dream Type: non-lucid
More than one dream?: nope
Complexity: medium-high
Dreamscape: MTS center
Characters: Keith Duma, Jody W., Quinn (from elmhurst), Myself

As I enter the MTS center with Keith I realize I forgot my tickets to the show. I go home to get them and get back just in time for the show. We sit down in the balcony to watch the concert. It is a jenga concert as well as an amateur singer-songwriter concert. The first jenga game ends and I walk down some stairs that lead outside where people are jumping. Me and Keith then go back in to see more acts and bad singers. I once again walk outside where people are jumping. Me and Jody build a foot high ramp out of 2 by 4's and do tricks by jumping off of it. I go and get my childhood snowboard which has no bindings but plastic grips, as well as a pull string. It is also rocket-powered. Me, Jody and Keith sit down on it and start zipping around the giant Christmas ornaments in the farmers fields. Then glow so bright when the sun rises or sets. We are going around to look for "snow build-up", as Quinn put it. We get into some grass and the board stops.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

MDS #2

Dream Type: non-lucid
More than one dream?: yes, two
Complexity: 1) medium-high, 2) low
Dreamscape: 1) OBC (Oakbank Baptist Church), 2) Dave N.'s apartment (he doesn't own one)
Characters: 1) Me, 2) Dave N.(nuefeld)

Dream 1
I am sitting at OBC at a murder meeting for a mans wife, she died. I brought a stack of cd'd there and the man speaker uses one of them to help himself explain about the murder.
I am in a older mans apartment and he has bells above his bed, they are like fire bells, but made of brass. The man from the meeting starts to move things with his mind. He moves something really close to the man in the beds face and then hits him hard with it. The closer you can get the object to the persons face the more force it builds up when you release it. A bunch of us in the room huddle around the hurt man and someone starts to randomly hit the bells on the wall. I guess he hit them in the correct order because a will right behind me opened up and there was lots of blue metal cabinets. The hurt man feels ashamed because they have bones of his dead wife in them, he is still trying to solve the murder.

Dream 2
I am in Dave N.'s apartment and there is a bright light on the ceiling. The cord going to the light is sagging down so a girl in the room gets a staple gun and staples the cord to the roof. A guy grabs the gun and staples way to much staples on the cord. Dave then removes the staples.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

diet pop and baby chairs

*gulp, gulp* *crunch* "Ahhh". That is the sound of (sorry for being stereotypical here) a fat person finishing there diet Coke with there Big Mac and Fries. Somehow they think that the "diet" in the coke will counteract their obesity, or maybe the 5000 calories that the mac packs. If you want to loose weight GET OUT OF MC DICKS, or at least have a water. Maybe the companies producing water should come out with diet water, no there'd be nothing different with, it would just make people think that they are loosing weight..classic placebo affect. Sorry about sounding mean here, but its just that I've seen too many large people drink three or four diet pops instead of having one regular pop.

I was at church the other day, and this baby in one of those bed chairs that their parents always carry around kept on looking at me. I kept thinking to myself, "Man, that looks so comfortable, she had the shade cover up, some toys in there, the bed was shaped to the contour of her body, and she was wrapped in swaddling clothes, what more could you want?" Then it hit me, when I get older, I'm just going to buy a giant baby bed chair thing. I actually can't wait, it's like the ultimate bed, if it's supposed to protect our babies, and it does, then why not take it to the next level? You'll see, in just a few years people across the country will be installing baby beds into their houses, ones with plasma monitors in them, phones, the works!
Oh yeah, swaddling clothes are amazing, it sounds soooo good. I'll get me some of those too.

My Photoshop Time

I was fooling around with photoshop as I usually do and tried something different out. This is a picture I took of myself that I changed.
Here's another one:and another, more cartoonish:one more:
I can make one for you, with a tag of course. Free though. I can also make a tutorial for this for those who have adobe photoshop.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

MDS #1

MDS stands for Matt's DreamScape a.k.a. my dreams written down on this site. When I get up every morning, if I remember my dream, I write them down on a piece of paper, this is the first step in achieving lucidity. Lucid dreaming is, as I said before, knowing you're dreaming while you're dream. Once you become lucid in your dreams, they become extremely vivid, imagine a dream as vivid as what is happening to you right now. Now, try to make you're room or basement of wherever you are, try to make it all blue and then try to fly out you're window...any success, didn't think so, and if you did have success then you're most likely lucid dreaming this right now... or you have superpowers. The point of this is just to have fun while you're dreaming, do anything you want, meet someone famous, fly around outside, punch president Bush in the face, you know, all the usual fantasies. Until I reach this point in my dreams, they could be boring, fun, weird, nonsensical or even completely pointless. This is the first of the MDS series even though I've been recording my dreams since the beginning of summer, think what yah want.

Dream Type: non-lucid
Complexity: low
More than one dream?: yes, 3
Dreamscape: 1)A fat lady's house 2)Infront of popcorn video 3)Osborn St.
Characters: 1)Jen(my sister), a fat lady 2)Dave Guenther 3)unknowns

1) I am sitting with Jen and she has to give her book, Life of Pi, to some fat lady, as we enter her apartment I go underneath the table that they are talking at. I can only see the fat lady's legs, she is wearing a purple dress, her legs are really fat.

2) Me and Dave are in front of popcorn video and an aboriginal man tries to sell me his car. The car is in very good working condition and it also has very nice teeth. I turn the man down.

3) A friend of someone I know invites me over. "I have dial-up and email" she says. We are in her massive house on Orborn St. Her lesbian friend is there.

That was all from last night, not to sure what they mean, or why that car had teeth. Ha, well, stay tuned, there's more to come.


..and then I heard silence followed by deafening rain and consistent thunder. The walls shook and I lay in awe of natures dominance over us as a human race. I then got up from my bed, grabbed my camera, and crept into the living room where my mother and father would soon join me. I then unplugged my ipod from its charger, as a power surge could fry it, and lay it safely down in a tiny wheelbarrow full of stuffed bears (don't ask). I then found that sheet lightning is almost impossible to take pictures of, especially when its so consistent and directly above you're house. I'd assume that almost every person in Oakbank and surrounding area was awoken by that storm, and I hear that The Peg got it worse then us! That's a cool feeling, that everyone was stuck in there houses, no power, at 1:30 in the morning. Getting back to sleep after the storm was surprisingly quite an easy feat. I lay my head down on my pillow and entered the sweet world of my dreamscape. I absolutely love dreaming, I am starting to be able to control my dreams, where they take place, the general mood, and sometimes the outcome. Although I do not realize that I am dreaming while I am dreaming (lucid dreaming) I still enjoy my time asleep.
I will start to post my dreams on this site, as I write them down when I wake up in the morning. More on that and dreaming in later posts.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

evasive nature, caught.

As I lay under the stars last night and contemplated all things unknown to me I felt a wonderful feeling, one of awe and wonder. People of the city can't begin to understand what they're missing. The northern lights danced and glowed so bright that the moon seemed dull in comparison, they changed from green to yellow, and from yellow to white, and from white to red and blue. "I want to see them up north," I thought to myself, "where they illuminate the snow and erase the stars."
The longer I looked at the stars that night, (and the longer my shutter of my camera was left open) the more they were accentuated. The bright became HOT and the dull became bright, I saw an array of stars twinkling like never I had before. I am inexperienced compared to many in the art of photography but I managed to get my hands on some decent pictures that night. Taking photographs of the stars and northern lights is like trying to catch fish (with you're hands of course). For this first one I drove out to the corner of Vernon and Springfield, this spot has handed me some nice shots in the past and I've developed a certain relationship with it. I stood there listening to the crickets and the odd bird call as my right index grew sore. About ten minutes later I released the shutter with hopes that my first attempt in photographing the night sky would be successful. It was! This is the first of many midnight photographs. The first of anything usually leaves you with a good feeling, one of excitement. I felt like a frontiersman of my own personal exploration, of a singular branch of life, being photography. I'm not going to lie, its a good feeling.

(the res. on this site isn't the best)
The stars look as if they are rotating, but it is obviously us that is spinning. In this next picture you can see how far they (or rather, we) moved.

(the camera shook a bit)
I will post more on photography later. Thanks for reading. random thoughts

This is one of those times where you just need to transfer some of your minds contents onto paper, or in this case, digital text.Whatever, that's what I have passing through my mind most of the day, it pertains to, to almost everything I can imagine, you start getting sad because of some stupid thing, just whatever. It doesn't matter. Just live the day your sitting on, that one day on the calendar to the fullest. If you never try to live the day to the fullest then all your doing is just letting yourself down. It's like writing a test half assed then the test is over and there's nothing you can do about it. Life is one big test, with tons of answers, but you don't have to know the answers to everything,you just
have to try to answer the questions and you will feel fulfilled. If I can do that I may have achieved happiness.

just imagine, imagine if you met the most amazing person you could think of, someone that just seemed to be made from the same cast as you, they understood what you strive for, what you live for. No words would need to pass between you but if they did they could only heighten the moments between you. Now imagine they re-defined everything you knew, just because of there certain attitude towards life and the way things happen, and why they happen. What would you do if this person left you and just was gone out of your life, what the hell would you you try to be with them or what, or do you just face the facts that they are gone, but...Wouldn't you wonder what they were doing everyday, and wouldn't you wonder what you're life would be like with them in it. At the same time, there are millions of people that must be able to provide this feeling between you and them, why cant you just forget about this one
person, why worry, about one. Would you rather have that person with you all the time, or would you just rather they be on there own. But maybe if the person was on there own they would choose to be with you, and your paths would somehow intertwine. Would you rather forget about that person if you could never be with them, or would you just cherish the memories that you experienced together, memories that hurt but at the same time, memories that no other person on the face of this earth could reproduce with you. Somehow forgetting sounds easier than it actually is, you know? And it also sounds less appealing the more you think of it, because you will realize that you would trade nothing for those memories.

when you look at people in cars and stuff, what do you think, like, they all have there own little problems that they care about, don't you feel small now. They are so caught up in there problems that they don't care about you, or maybe some of them are thinking the exact same thing as you are, is that possible, that some random person in the mall or driving beside me is think, what's he name? What does he do?Where's he going? Maybe ill just follow this guy around all day and find out all this stuff about him, will that make me happy, make me realize how self centered the entire world is and stuff. Why cant we all just know everything about everyone, we would be so happy and sad and everything at the same time. You'd see that some people are just so so happy, people from Africa or 3rd world countries, and you could finally know why, why there so happy, and what they have that we don't, maybe its music, or something maybe its the fact that they don't know a better life like we do, is that possible...can innocence make people happy, I think so. I think id rather not know about TV and about what true comfort is. Knowing all these thoughts would make us so sad though, you'd know about everyone's problems, everyone's sorrows, but that could somehow benefit you, maybe. Is that what God feels, cause he endures everyone's thoughts at once..He must be so sad, but happy, but how could God be sad, is that possible? Maybe? Sometimes I wish I could know ones thoughts but at the same time I feel so opposite to that.

have I ever met someone at the wrong time in my life, and if so, what could be different about our relationship if I met them at a better or more ideal time, under more ideal circumstances. Maybe I've already met the love of my life, or my best friend or someone to help me through something at the wrong time, that kind of scares me you know. Am I thinking to much, is this wrong to wonder these things about my own life, maybe ill just not think about hard things anymore. I wish I was really really stupid and didn't have to think about things like this, think how sweet life would be then, you could just coast through without a care in the whole world, and just not really care or wonder about hard topics and issues. But at the same time, I would hate that, you know, I like thinking about stuff like this, but the question is, does it bring down the randomness that life offers, and does it effect the way that I live in turn? Because of these thoughts, can I still enjoy stupid things, id like to, id like to wonder about every single woman I meet, and if they are as wonderful as the ideal. That fact could keep ones drive going, the fact that you couldn't ever know what's going to happen tomorrow. Even if its all planned out and you have absolutely no intention to have anything different happen, it might, it could, so live.

some peoples eyes are wide open, yet they fail to see a thing.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

that feeling, one last time

Well, school is almost on the go and I am not ready once again. They mucked up my schedule and I need to go in and change it, so now I'm on the waiting list. Don't you just hate waiting lists, I do. You just know that there is absolutely nothing you can do to speed up the process of them reaching your name, and most of the time, you were the one who got yourself into the mess of being ON that list. Procrastination is why, its why your sitting here reading my blog, its why I'm writing it, and its why my name is 100 spots farther down that waiting list than the 99 people above me. It happens every year to me, I dunno why, am I naive to think that it wont happen again, maybe. I should have made an appointment with the counselors before I got my sched. Now I've got that feeling, one last time.